What is Man, but an awareness. Awareness of a collective awareness of the collective, and their environment; and awareness of an individual’s own awareness within the collective and of it’s own environment. The phenomenon of Consciousness.
The inevitable outcome of consciousness is thought, and thought generate opinion (belief). The intensity of the consciousness determines the magnitude of it’s thoughts and beliefs. The greater the strength of the consciousness, greater it’s awareness, and greater it’s realization, understanding, knowledge and insight and appreciation. If the intensity of the consciousness is infinite in magnitude, it will grow infinitely in awareness, and will be infinitely knowing and understanding, and appreciating it’s own realization. It will be an infinite belief system.
All living are part of an infinite belief system. There is only one universe, one sphere or domain that man, the most aware, are conscious of. If there is another domain or a dimension of consciousness, man does not have the intensity of consciousness to become aware of it. But because it is believed by most men for an awareness greater than man to exist, the concept of a God or higher being than man, it is plausible there exists such an awareness. As man can see the infinite material universe, so can man imagine of an infinite awareness. And as man cannot venture into the infinite universe, man cannot fathom the infinite awareness. Yet man’s consciousness is powerful enough ‘to know’, to think and believe of such an entity.
Consciousness generate thought and belief. That is the character of Consciousness. A child can be aware of a television set, but it cannot understand it’s mechanism. Man is aware of infinity, but is unable to comprehend it’s immensity. Nonetheless, there exists the reality of television, and the reality of infinity. The ability of consciousness to create depends on the power or intensity of it’s consciousness. As consciousness thinks, it creates according to it’s power. Since there is only one awareness growing and expanding like the one material universe, it leaves behind what it creates from it’s present awareness and proceeds into infinity creating at higher and higher awareness. What man creates from his thought is revealed materially. The material manifestation of thought. The universe, including man is the material manifestation of the thought of the infinite. Hence evolution. When the infinite abandons any of it’s thoughts, the manifestation of those thoughts disappear. Hence extinction. So all that exist, and all that do not exist that existed, and all that is yet to exist is in the infinite Conscious. This is in the infinity, where time do not exist.
Time is the interval between manifestations of thoughts. The ‘thinking machine’ creates time as it creates with it’s thoughts. We are a creation of the infinite Conscious, manifested on earth as it is in the Consciousness of the infinite. Even the ancient psalmist was aware of this consciousness when he wrote, “What is man, that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you visit him?” “When I consider your thoughts, the heavens, the moon, and the stars, the works of your fingers.” Ps.8.3:4
Consciousness: the state of being awake and aware, is Life. Conscious means to know with others or in oneself, which creates belief in the self and others. However: though each one of us is a consciousness as the infinite is conscious of; most of us are unaware of it, as most of us are still material manifestations of the infinite and yet to become conscious of the infinite. If our consciousness were to grow in awareness of the infinite as our bodies grow old and disintegrate and disappear, we can emerge as an awareness of the infinite in our own right and exist without the body like the infinite. If we follow our earthly fathers, we will become like them, and come into possession
of what is theirs.
The coming of Jesus was for God to be with us. Going with Jesus is for us to be with God. Jesus was God and man, so we can be man and God. To know with God is to know like God, and exist like God in the spirit of the infinite. God is knowing with all and of Himself. Man is knowing with the self and yet to know with his Source, ‘the other’. Man is aware of the other, but willfully or conveniently deny the other, therefore man is not knowing with God. Thus man believes only in himself, and his thoughts are for himself.
The collective consciousness of man is a belief system that believes in the self. But the self is alone. That is the spirit of man. The character of Lack and Fear. The selfless is never alone. That is the spirit of the infinite, and the character of Abundance and Love. The selfishness of man creates a spirit of transience, and a character of fear. Denying the self of what the self is conscious of is to contradict it self. This is self-denial. By denying God, one denies the self, and denies the self of Life.
Most of humanity is in self-denial. If some human beings can achieve higher awareness, then it is possible for all to grow in awareness beyond the status quo. Although man has acquired immense knowledge and improved his material existence, he is as unaware as he has been since the dawn of his existence.
The collective thoughts of man has created the belief systems of the world. There are as many belief systems as there are societies and communities existing in one global belief system. Hence international law. What makes mankind unique to other kinds is that their fundamental beliefs are identical wherever or whichever community they come from. Man’s belief system has created restrictions on himself. Though our consciousness is free to think as we please, in our fear of the consequences of infinite freedom, largely because of the enormity of the responsibility it entails, we have sacrificed freedom to think like the free spirits and have consciously become unaware of the infinite. Instead we fight to become free of the wish of the infinite, and exist in denial of our true deity.
Just as mush as we are physically and genetically Homo sapiens, we are consciously and unconsciously infinite awarenesses with infinite power and freedom to think and reason. However we are confined to a body with finite strength and life. And our freedom is limited accordingly. So we have reasoned, and have come to believe that we are as finite as our bodies. This belief system has generated the world mindset that we have since man came into existence. Why we cling on to our ancient customs and traditions is to hold on to our past, because that is what we are. We cannot know the future nor can we fashion it, we can only imagine it. So we modernize the old world, and think we have gone forward and changed. When Jesus said, “sell all you have and give to the poor, and come follow Me.” He meant for us to give up what we hold on to in the world ‘the mindset we have been brought up in’ and follow the path our conscience leads us.
As Jesus said, “I am not of this world. “The world will love it’s own.” “The world will hate you for my sake.” The world hated Me before they hated you.”
We are not of the world but in the world, and we are not of the body, but in a body. We are not from a brick house, and our garments are not our body. Yet billions of dollars are spent annually on prestigious homes and designer clothing to house and cover our body. But as it is written, “even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like a lily, that is here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow.” Our body and our garments will be thrown into the fire tomorrow. Are we going to throw our life also into the fire with our body? Our eternal consciousness believes that it is as transient as our body, and we materialize and manifest our beliefs, and die with our body.
Our belief system has been conditioned over millennia, and to contradict it would be death.
We think of life in the world, and imagine eternal life to be a life like the one we have in the body, and we desperately seek to save the life of the body. We rely on medical science and religion to save that which is not life. In our fear, laziness, and unwillingness to know with the Source of our consciousness, we perish with our body. So Jesus said, “He who tries to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Unless we lose our worldly life, we cannot enter the infinite life as we were thought of by the infinite Consciousness.
It is written that God is not alone. The wise men of old were aware of the character of God, although many of them were unable to rise above their materialistic consciousness to meet with the infinite. Nonetheless they were conscious enough to know of it’s character, for they had spent more time than most of their contemporaries contemplating on their infinite awareness. If life is to be conscious, and conscious means to know with the self and others; knowing with only the self would be life limited. What is there to know with the self that one can grow in knowing? When there is nothing more to know with the self, there is nothing to grow with, and the self conscious seize to exist. For consciousness to exist, it must continually grow, like our materialistic economy, or it will lead to a depression and die. God, the Great Consciousness is a growing consciousness, and we are invited to join in it’s growth by knowing with it.
“I have come so that you may have Life, and have it more abundantly.” Jesus said.
God came as a man so we can come to know with Him, and know all things, and become an eternal being. For God became conscious of man in Their likeness, of Their consciousness. But until man comes to know with God, and become conscious like God, man was made a little lower than God. Children of God until we become adults like God.
If all adults, especially the ones at the top of society were grown up, the world would be like heaven. No one would be dreaming of heaven, but realizing it.
What is Man From The world of Ro and Mo
© Rohan and Mohan Perera 2011
When we think of energy, we think of it as power for work. It is a force, or strength that can perform physical and mental activity. Although you cannot define energy, you know what it can do. We think that energy can’t be defined, because energy is not matter. If the basic unit of electromagnetic radiation is a photon, carrying the electromagnetic force, but has no rest mass; it seems that the photon is carried by an energy, or force that is not made of matter. Or, the photon carries a non-matter force or energy. So, energy is non-matter that has the capacity to make matter do work. According to physics; matter is not the same as mass; but we mean matter to be the substance the material universe is made of. A man can see a naked woman and be exited, or a child can see it’s favorite toy being smashed by it’s younger sibling and cry. These are sexual and emotional energies that can cause activity. It is this energy that can make consciousness do work. Consciousness that exists in bodies made of matter experience energy physically, and mentally (spiritually).
If energy is not matter, then it must be spirit of some sort. Spirits are conscious characters, and by their character, we know what kind of spirits they are. We know a man by his spirit. That is because we can feel the energy he emanates. The more we can feel his energy, the more we know him. This means that all energy is not the same. Although, all physical energy in the universe is the same energy, it can transform into different forms. Like light and gravity. Likewise, spiritual energy is also one energy from one source, but can transform into different forms. Perhaps into infinite different forms, unlike physical forms. To find two individuals having the same energy is a rare phenomenon.
When we are born we don’t differentiate ourself from the rest of the world. In our first few months we act as though the world around us, is us. When we move, the whole world moves. However by force of circumstance, gradually we come to realize that we are not the whole world, and we have our limitations. Despite the fact we accept these limitations, we don’t like it. As we grow older, we have to give up control, and become controlled by others. As we give up more and more of our omnipotence, we develop resentment. We lose faith in our inborn consciousness of our omnipotence. We have to give up power bit by bit as we grow. Our ego was born omnipotent, but from the time we become conscious of ourself, we find our omnipotence being striped on a daily basis. This gradual loss of power causes the greatest regression in us.
Our omnipotence comes from the spirit of God. We are born of the Great Consciousness, almighty God, into a body and world where we don’t have much power at all. We have to depend on our parents, and conform to other people and society, and be subject to physical laws. Our ego is squashed, and our pride is bruised. How much the ego is humiliated is how our energy is affected. As we grow physically we regress spiritually. Our spiritual energy is depleted very early in our life. Our faith in spiritual energy is lost. Consciously and unconsciously we resent the spiritual, because spiritual energy seem to have no power in the physical world. However, we find that with physical power, we can achieve some degree of control. Even more so with intellectual power. Accordingly we abandon spiritual growth, and climb on board the physical and intellectual path of growth. Football and book work.
To boost our ego boundaries we work physically and or academically. The bruised ego is a bitter ego, vulnerable to jealousy. Jealousy is an emotional energy that is as strong as the bitterness of the ego. Since no one is absolutely spiritual, everyone is somewhat jealous. Bitter the ego, envious the ego. Lack of spiritual energy makes the ego crave for physical energy. However, physical energy cannot satisfy the spiritual ego. The ego is the consciousness of the self, that was born of the Great Consciousness. It knows it is great and almighty, but it cannot realize it’s greatness. The ego is not physical, but it is bound in a physical body, and cannot use it’s spiritual power. So, by the age of three, the ego attaches itself to the body and become the body. If you look at the world spiritually, you will find that most people are still two and three year olds in spirit. Because, after the age of two or three, one has to love oneself. No one is at one’s command, therefore one has to invent ways in which to be loved. Love in this sense is having power over others. To love others is to be under another’s power. The subconscious that is in us, tells us to love. To give up the power. It does not give us any power, and wants us to give up even the little power we have. Hence we kill it, by completely ignoring it. What we don’t realize is that; by disregarding our inner voice, we cut off the supply of spiritual energy; the love of God. It is the same as a child hating a parent or guardian giving it good advice and direction; because to succumb to another is to give up one’s sovereignty. Anyone who imparts energy that is of disciplinary nature is regarded as a person who infringes on personal freedom. A hostile intruder. The love of God, which is the energy of the Great Consciousness that energizes the universe is hostile to the ego.
The ego is a consciousness created by the Great Consciousness to extend itself into a new consciousness of the same; separate from itself. To multiply itself. Love; the energy of the Great Consciousness maybe full of feelings, but it is an energy, and the only energy there is. Though it can transform into different forms, only the autochthonous energy of love will exist indefinitely. Because, love is the energy of God, and only God is eternal. All types of energy have their character, and love has it’s character. Love can transform into different forms, because love has the character of free will. Love has created, or is in the process of creating more of itself through us. Since it’s principle character is free will, our egos are embryos of free willed characters. And, unless we freely will to be pure characters of love, and be full of the energy of love, or the spirit of God; we cannot exist with God eternally. (Know with God).
Our ego is like a photon. The basic unit of love
(Light), the quantum of mind-matter interaction, carrying the force (consciousness) of God, and possessing spiritual-physical (wave-particle) duality. We will call it the Egoton. The individual consciousness. Like the body develops from a single cell by dividing and multiplying. Our ego must develop from a single (egoton) by interacting with the source, and increase in consciousness. As the (egoton) grows in consciousness of the Great Consciousness, it begins to illuminate with the love of God.
In the beginning was the Light,
and the light was with God,
and the Light was God.
All things were made through Light,
and without Light nothing
was made that was made.
In Light was Life,
and the Life was,
the Light of men.
And the Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness
did not comprehend it. John.1.1:5
For God so loved the world, that He gave of His immortal Light, that whoever subsumes the Light, should never be in darkness; but embody the love
and spirit of God. John.3.16
Light is existence or Life. It is God.
Darkness is nonexistence or Death. It is Satan. Who refused to bring the Light.
Nothingness is Darkness. It is not evil, it is absolute emptiness. It cannot be wiped out, deleted or destroyed, because it is nothing. It has no Source.
However Light is something. It can be revealed, concealed and even put out. Therefore it has a Source.
The Source is not the Light, it is the Light Giver. Giving Awareness to all. It is the fire that lights all lamps great and small.
To deny the Source is to disconnect from the supplier. When the Light in you begins to fade, great anxiety sets in. To stay aflame you need to beg, borrow or steal light from others. That is work. Life becomes difficult. It brings Hell into your Existence.
To reconnect with the Source is to regain your supply, and reclaim your autochthonous power to shine. To Exist in Heaven. The paradise we all seek. “The work of God is to believe (have faith) in the Source.” Jesus Christ.
What is Man From The world of Ro and Mo
© Rohan and Mohan Perera 2011
When the Great Consciousness became conscious of reproducing itself, it materialized with a Big Bang. Since time and space doesn’t intrude on consciousness, what seems like billions of years in time, and trillions of light years in distance to us, is but an instance of thought. If we materialized from thought, we can also disappear from thought. Whatever that materializes, materializes from thought, and when the thought is no more, what materialized will dematerialize. This is hard for the scientists to understand. Scientists think through material, and since the material is an image of a thought, it is only an illusion. It is like a movie, it’s the director’s thought on screen. Nothing is real on the screen except the screen. Our physical appearance is not real, it is a moving image of the thought of God. Nothing is real in the universe, except for the energy of God.
Physicists and scientists claim that; of all the matter and energy that exist in the universe, only four percent is directly observable. According to Lee Smolin, the American theoretical physicist; we don’t know much about matter and energy. “Fully 70% of the matter density in the universe appears to be in the form of dark energy. Twenty six percent is dark matter. Only 4% is ordinary matter. So less than 1 part in 20 is made of matter we have observed experimentally, or described in the standard model of particle physics. Of the other 96%, apart from the properties just mentioned, we know absolutely nothing.” Lee Smolin: The trouble with Physics.
It is very obvious that even of the four percent we know, we don’t know all there is to know. And, of the six billion people on earth, even four percent knows absolutely nothing of what is known. So most of us are in the dark. Aptly named, Dark matter-energy is the unknown, unobserved, and not understood, but definitely present spirit of God. Astrophysicists claim that Dark matter does not emit enough radiation to be directly observed, but it’s presence is seen by it’s gravitational effects on visible matter. It accounts for 23% of the matter in the universe. The Big Bang theory demands that this matter should have energy and mass. And Dark energy accounts for 73% of the energy of the universe, which has an anti-gravitating effect that accelerates the rate at which the universe expands. Our grey matter can never comprehend the dark matter of God. It is dark to us because we are looking from the wrong eye. We are trying to observe God’s thought with our physical eye. It all appears dark and dead.
If you want to know the thought of Rembrandt, you must observe and study his paintings on the canvases. Striping the paint and the canvases will only destroy the images of his thoughts. We must observe and study the images of the thoughts of God that is visible to our eyes and behold the power and the wisdom of God. But, to understand the thoughts and the will of God, we must think deep into billions of years and study trillions of light years of existence. It can only be done in our head.
You can be lost in the desert. Thirsty and hungry, you think of an ice cold drink and a juicy burger. It will bring saliva to your mouth, and your stomach will secrete gastric juice; but the power and the force of your thought is not enough to materialize the drink, and the burger in front of you. Still, it is possible to physically find your way back to civilization; and cook yourself or visit McDonald’s, and make that thought of a drink and burger materialize in front of you. What we think and want to create, we have to materialize it physically, because we are part physical and part spirit. If we are pure spirit, anything we think of will materialize physically. So the universe, and all that is in the universe is a physical manifestation of God’s thoughts. To understand and know the purpose of His thoughts, we need to observe and study what has materialized, and think and perceive His purpose for us. If we have no purpose, we are as good as dead. Most of the world is in the dark about their purpose. Most are unaware of their own awareness, and the meaning to their consciousness. Most are conscious; and some are fully conscious of their physical existence, and are unconsciously and unrealistically trying to be omnipotent and eternal. Wasting their energy to satisfy their ego.
The day God thought of us, we were born, and the day we thought of God, we died. The day God came down to us, He was humble, and the day God was humble with us, we became proud. The day we became proud, God humbled us, and we have had to work with the sweat of our brow all the days of our life. We exist in the mind of God. Therefore, to exist, we have to be in the mind of God, or become the mind of God. To know the mind of God, you have to know with God; and who is it who has the mind of God, so that we may emulate Him?
“For who has known the mind of God?
Or who has become His counselor?
Or who has first given to Him and
it shall be repaid to him?”
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Rom.11.34:35
“Come follow Me.” Jesus Christ.
Death is not when our body perishes. The body is an illusion. It feels as though it is real because we think and believe we are our body. It is like the case of the burger and drink in the desert. You think you are your body, and you feel your emotions pouring from your eyes in the form of tears, and feel that your body is you. Some people who have undergone amputations feel the pain in their amputated limb. It is called phantom pain. The pain is real to them, yet they know that their limb has been amputated. This shows how strong the mind is over matter, and that you are your mind. Perhaps when we die, we might feel that our body is rotting forever if we die so attached to our body. If on the other hand we had disassociated ourself from the body in our mind while we are still in our body, we might feel the pain of being trapped in the body. A feeling of imprisonment, that we long to escape from, and be glad to go through a crucifixion to be free. The mind in the body is like the foetus in the womb. Nice and cosy until you are squeezed out into hell. We all come to hell crying. Then we make the world nice and cosy, and believe that we are earthlings, and hate to leave the world. But, there is no escape from ‘freedom’, we are eventually squeezed out of the world into everlasting hell. So we die.
Unless we grow in spirit we cannot enter the spirit world. Unless we grow in education we cannot enter university. In the animal kingdom, the moment a female is ready to conceive, it is ready to be a mother. In the human kingdom a girl of twelve is not regarded as ready and fit for motherhood.
The most intelligent of animal is not ready for responsibility. It seems that as we grow in knowledge we become less responsible. A twelve year old girl is not ready to be a mother, although nature (God) has made her body ready for motherhood. There are societies in the world, which most of us would call uncivilized, where twelve year old girls are given in marriage. Most parents in the so called civilized world are under five in their spirit and are big children. They have not yet become responsible for their own lives. So how will their twelve year old daughter know true responsibility? If you can answer the following two questions, we will take back that statement.
Why do the poor in the world have more children than the rich?
Is it because, they love children more than the rich
Why do people get married, when freedom is what they fight for, when clearly marriage is bondage?
We have to give up the world, and our beloved body to be what we are created for. The age old struggle with the self, is the battle of the ego and the subconscious. The subconscious is the energy (love) of God. To most people this is dark energy. In fact 96% can’t see or feel this energy. They have been overwhelmed by their own dim light, and are busy trying to illuminate their ego. They fail to realize that; the source that can illuminate their dim light is their subconscious. As the ego grows in self pride, it’s sole purpose becomes protecting it’s pride. To lose pride is death to the ego. To the ego, God is the dark force, the great dictator. And Satan (the great accuser) is the great liberator. If we were to unite with the subconscious, we would gradually draw energy from God, and begin to brighten with His light. If the ego would humble itself, and accept the light from God; the ego will gradually become like the ego of it’s source. The ego will have life, and have it more abundantly.
So let there be Light in you, and let it so shine, that men will see your Light and find the source of your Light that is also within them, and defeat the death of the ego when the body dies.
What is Man From The world of Ro and Mo
© Rohan and Mohan Perera 2011